Joining the Forres Area Business Association
What does Membership mean?
The Forres Area Business Association c.i.c. (“FABA” is a “company limited by guarantee”, a “community interest company” and is regulated by company law. It exists for the benefit of the community as set out in its community interest statement. The day to day running of the FABA is the responsibility of the Directors, who have statutory obligations to meet and must work within the Articles of Association of the company and towards the benefit of the community. The Directors are also Members of the Company.
The role of the Members is to:
- be involved in the activities of FABA, supporting it in its objectives of being of benefit to the business community and general community of the Forres area
- elect the Board of Directors at each annual general meeting
- influence the plans and priorities for the activities that the FABA will undertake.
As a Member you will have the opportunity to help build and maintain a thriving business community in the Forres area.
There will be an annual subscription of £40 per year to provide funds to support the activities of the Company. In the event of the FABA being wound up and unable to fulfil its financial obligations your liability as a Member is limited to a maximum of £1.
It is our community – join us and help shape its future.

Three forms of Membership are available, to suit all types of business and organisation, but they all have the same rights and obligations and pay the same subscription. Each membership gives the right to one vote as meetings of the Company. These forms are:
- Individual Member – Individuals who in a personal capacity are interested in supporting the objects and interests of the FABA.
- Authorised Member – Individuals who run, or who are otherwise associated with, an unincorporated business or organisation and who are interested in supporting the objects and interests of the FABA. (An unincorporated business or organisation cannot be a member in its own right for legal reasons).
- Corporate Member – Companies and other incorporated bodies that are interested in supporting the objects and interests of the FABA; they will be asked to nominate an individual as their Representative Corporate Member.
In the event of the FABA being wound up and unable to fulfil its financial obligations your liability as a Member is limited to a maximum of £1.
Members may withdraw their Membership by giving 7 clear days’ notice to the Company in writing.
Membership Application
I wish to apply for Membership of the Forres Area Business Association c.i.c. and I confirm that:
- I support the objectives of the Association,
- I will comply with the requirements of Membership as set out in the Articles of Association
- I will pay the annual subscription, as the rate set from time to time, to assist in the financing of the Association’s activities,
- I accept that, in the event of the Association being wound up and unable to fulfil its financial obligations, my liability as a Member is limited to a maximum of £1.
- I am willing to accept all notifications and correspondence from the Association by email to the email address given below or as updated by me.